Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What's it like when they say "rain today" in Hawaii..

Well, our plans did change just a bit. All the news channels were predicting heavy rain today. But having lived in Hawaii we know that rain here is different than on the mainland. People just continue with life here. But we decided that we didn't want to stay on a cold bus after being in the rain, so we took a short trip through Waikiki and then as mentioned above, we went to our old neighborhood. It was fun seeing where so much life happened.
This is just another view of Waikiki beach during the downpour.

Although this restaurant is listed as one of the best places to dine in Waikiki, The Oceanarium was a bit more pricey than we expected. It was fun, but we wouldn't recommend it. The food was cold (although there was a very large variety) and the price was a bit high. But you never know until your try sometimes.

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